Art : Portrait of Hoa

I can't believe I actually painted 3 portraits this month! Ok ok, I'll stop bragging about it, but it's always such a relief when you finish a painting and it ends in an amazing result! 

This painting took me about 7 hours to complete. I had to come back on and off on it, I had so many things to do this week! Revising the design of this game, pitching, making documents, meetings.. guh, everything is eating up my time! 

You can see the complete painting here :

My painting process : 

A friend asked me if I could record the entire painting process and put it on my youtube account! It could be an interesting idea, that I will consider next time I do a painting of this kind! 


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Meet The Author

My passion in life is simple : creating new things in the different domains that interest me : arts, books, games, movies and live organisation!