Art : Getting back into Digital Painting!

Yay! We are now in 2014! And this is my first post for this year! 

It has been a while I haven't done any "Create that look" and there is a few waiting to be showcase on this blog. All in time! 

BUT! This post will not be about any look recreation, or a review of any kind, only about a painting I have done! It has been so long I haven't painted anything on Photoshop. With my current work I don't spend much time sketching anything worth showcasing - I only gribbles to explain briefly how things should look and then discard them! 

Having found the time to do it was quite rewarding and satisfying! I will kick my butt to do another one in the next week. I was amazed to see that I haven't lost my ability to sketch... that I have gotten somewhat lazy and slow... and I managed to change my style a little and painted in a whole different way than I used to... 

The painting has been done with Photoshop CS3 and a Bamboo Tablet (they don't exist anymore, they are now called Intuos). 

Let's hope that in 2014 I'll make more painting (though I wouldn't count too much on that... I still have to level a GW2 character to 80 and finish to read A Song of Ice and Fire series in my free time...) 


  1. I said it already, but I'll repeat it for the sake of Internet: I am amazed by the look of that fur! It looks so comfortable!! And of course, her eyes are simply mesmerizing.

    No mention as to the origins of the character or how she came to be? ;) I'm disappointed! Or do you want to keep it under wraps until the teasers start flooding the Web?

    At any rate, you can count on me to perpetually pester you to paint (and level up, in respectable proportions) throughout the year. Hey! It's for your own good! :D

    1. Aaaw thank you, you made my day!

      Hihi, I am keeping her identity a secret for now - until we start releasing some contents and it will slowly be known who she is! ;) What do you think ? For now she will be the Lady in the Black fur cape. :D

      PESTER ME TO PAINT! I need to do it. And catch you on A Song of Ice and Fire. ;) Thank you for supporting me through those difficult challenges.

    2. I voluntarily left out the Ice and Fire catching up to give myself a chance to win! Hahaha! I'm now a fifth in DwD. But you're sure to have caught up by the time The Winds of Winter comes out!

      If you wish her identity to remain a secret, I wonder if you should name her, on another platform ;) But yes! Let us keep her origins a secret for now! She will only be the Lady in the Black fur cape, or the Pale Winter Lady!

      I give you the day to get ready. And then, the pestering will begin! Mwahah!

  2. First: Thank you for that Bloglovin' app! I am finaly updated with your bloggin'! *Cheer*

    Second: I'm probably repeating myself but your drawing is gorgeous! Jealous of her golden eyes. :) And I must say... she ressembles you! ;) Simple beauty.

    Third: Wait for meeeee! For the lvl 80 character in GW2 ;) Haha! I'll have to catch up to you now!

    1. Yay!! Bloglovin' is an awesome app to keep track with every blog out there!

      Thank you so much, you are too sweet! I love you ^^ You encourage me to do more! And my next drawing is for you! <3

      Aaaw...there is something resemblant but it was not an autoportrait... somehow she manages to be more beautiful and awesome than me this character!! "Give me your golden eyes!!"

      I will wait for you in GW2! We have to play together more often! Catch me and meanwhile, I will paint a portrait for you! :D

    2. Yes. Maruchan is now the only one under 40 ;)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.



Meet The Author

My passion in life is simple : creating new things in the different domains that interest me : arts, books, games, movies and live organisation!