
Why hello there! Nice of you to stumble upon this modest lair. I'll open this post by stating various facts that will act as guideline to this newly founded Blog!

Designing little aspect of life that will make it fun for you and your surroundings! If you want to step up from the crowd, coming up with something different and daring, well, so do I! And this is what this blog intend to do.

I am Tinumire and this is my lair. Obviously, I will pact this little hideout of various little treasure that I will find along my path. And those little treasure will mostly take the form of crafting stuff, making and designing unforgettable events, creating special looking goods and artefacts.

For now, this blog will mostly focus on organising thematic and fun events, crafting costumes and artefacts and other various stuff that I would happen to do in my every days!

All right, I guess that's it! Updates will come one to two times a month. Since right now I am organizing a Baby Shower Party, my next post will be about it! I'll talk about the theme and the games, tips for your own baby shower party, and the goods and bads of it. See you then!

p.s. This blog will heavily focus on games since, well... I am a game and interactive designer and this is what I do the most! 



Meet The Author

My passion in life is simple : creating new things in the different domains that interest me : arts, books, games, movies and live organisation!